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- 1-Port Seriell auf POE Ethernet Adapter Serial TCP IP Server Wand/DIN Montage 802.3af PoE RS232 Ethernet Adapter/LAN Konverter RS232 auf RJ45/RS232 über Ethernet Adapter
![1-Port Seriell auf POE Ethernet Adapter Serial TCP IP Server Wand/DIN Montage 802.3af PoE RS232 Ethernet Adapter/LAN Konverter RS232 auf RJ45/RS232 über Ethernet Adapter](/medias/1200Wx1200H-547697-image-001-1727818231454.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8MTAzNDQzfGltYWdlL2pwZWd8Y0hKdlpIVmpkSE12TlRRM05qazNMekV5TURCWGVERXlNREJJWHpVME56WTVOMTlwYldGblpWOHdNREZmTVRjeU56Z3hPREl6TVRRMU5DNXFjR2N8NTUxNjQ5YjdiMThlZDliMWY2YWMxYWQ5ZmY4MWI1ZjM2NmI4MjkwODI1ZjA1ODU2NDc0YjlhNzJjNzcxMTA0Yg)
![1-Port Seriell auf POE Ethernet Adapter Serial TCP IP Server Wand/DIN Montage 802.3af PoE RS232 Ethernet Adapter/LAN Konverter RS232 auf RJ45/RS232 über Ethernet Adapter](/medias/1200Wx1200H-547697-image-002-1727818227436.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8NzkyODZ8aW1hZ2UvanBlZ3xjSEp2WkhWamRITXZOVFEzTmprM0x6RXlNREJYZURFeU1EQklYelUwTnpZNU4xOXBiV0ZuWlY4d01ESmZNVGN5TnpneE9ESXlOelF6Tmk1cWNHY3xlYzAxYzZkYTBiYTNhYTRjMGUzMGI4NDlmYTM3NTUxYjM5ZTc0NDdmZGU2ZTBlYWEyOTQ5ZmEzMzZmOWEyMzIz)
![1-Port Seriell auf POE Ethernet Adapter Serial TCP IP Server Wand/DIN Montage 802.3af PoE RS232 Ethernet Adapter/LAN Konverter RS232 auf RJ45/RS232 über Ethernet Adapter](/medias/1200Wx1200H-547697-image-003-1727818221132.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8MTI2MDU4fGltYWdlL2pwZWd8Y0hKdlpIVmpkSE12TlRRM05qazNMekV5TURCWGVERXlNREJJWHpVME56WTVOMTlwYldGblpWOHdNRE5mTVRjeU56Z3hPREl5TVRFek1pNXFjR2N8ZmE1NWE2MmQwNDhmYTg3YmIxODUxYmRiZDhmMmQ3MDk5MmM4YTg0YjQ2MjI1ZGExNmE1ZTVhMjdhYjA4NmE5OQ)
![1-Port Seriell auf POE Ethernet Adapter Serial TCP IP Server Wand/DIN Montage 802.3af PoE RS232 Ethernet Adapter/LAN Konverter RS232 auf RJ45/RS232 über Ethernet Adapter](/medias/1200Wx1200H-547697-image-004-1727818229462.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8NzA5NDF8aW1hZ2UvanBlZ3xjSEp2WkhWamRITXZOVFEzTmprM0x6RXlNREJYZURFeU1EQklYelUwTnpZNU4xOXBiV0ZuWlY4d01EUmZNVGN5TnpneE9ESXlPVFEyTWk1cWNHY3w3NDQzYWQ2Mjk4ZDI4NjY0OTk0YWVkNzA5ZWU5ZTkwMmU4ZTZkYTQwNWIzN2VkMDZlMGVlZDQyNjNkYTRiYTgy)
![1-Port Seriell auf POE Ethernet Adapter Serial TCP IP Server Wand/DIN Montage 802.3af PoE RS232 Ethernet Adapter/LAN Konverter RS232 auf RJ45/RS232 über Ethernet Adapter](/medias/1200Wx1200H-547697-image-005-1727818223170.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8NjMxOTEyfGltYWdlL2pwZWd8Y0hKdlpIVmpkSE12TlRRM05qazNMekV5TURCWGVERXlNREJJWHpVME56WTVOMTlwYldGblpWOHdNRFZmTVRjeU56Z3hPREl5TXpFM01DNXFjR2N8MDU5ZjAyZjcxY2JmYjY5OTJiOTlkMmJhMGViOGRjNGE1ZDJiZTc1YTcyMjU2MWFjMDQzZTBkZTY1MDIwMWJmMA)
![1-Port Seriell auf POE Ethernet Adapter Serial TCP IP Server Wand/DIN Montage 802.3af PoE RS232 Ethernet Adapter/LAN Konverter RS232 auf RJ45/RS232 über Ethernet Adapter](/medias/1200Wx1200H-547697-image-001-1727818231454.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8MTAzNDQzfGltYWdlL2pwZWd8Y0hKdlpIVmpkSE12TlRRM05qazNMekV5TURCWGVERXlNREJJWHpVME56WTVOMTlwYldGblpWOHdNREZmTVRjeU56Z3hPREl6TVRRMU5DNXFjR2N8NTUxNjQ5YjdiMThlZDliMWY2YWMxYWQ5ZmY4MWI1ZjM2NmI4MjkwODI1ZjA1ODU2NDc0YjlhNzJjNzcxMTA0Yg)
![1-Port Seriell auf POE Ethernet Adapter Serial TCP IP Server Wand/DIN Montage 802.3af PoE RS232 Ethernet Adapter/LAN Konverter RS232 auf RJ45/RS232 über Ethernet Adapter](/medias/1200Wx1200H-547697-image-002-1727818227436.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8NzkyODZ8aW1hZ2UvanBlZ3xjSEp2WkhWamRITXZOVFEzTmprM0x6RXlNREJYZURFeU1EQklYelUwTnpZNU4xOXBiV0ZuWlY4d01ESmZNVGN5TnpneE9ESXlOelF6Tmk1cWNHY3xlYzAxYzZkYTBiYTNhYTRjMGUzMGI4NDlmYTM3NTUxYjM5ZTc0NDdmZGU2ZTBlYWEyOTQ5ZmEzMzZmOWEyMzIz)
![1-Port Seriell auf POE Ethernet Adapter Serial TCP IP Server Wand/DIN Montage 802.3af PoE RS232 Ethernet Adapter/LAN Konverter RS232 auf RJ45/RS232 über Ethernet Adapter](/medias/1200Wx1200H-547697-image-003-1727818221132.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8MTI2MDU4fGltYWdlL2pwZWd8Y0hKdlpIVmpkSE12TlRRM05qazNMekV5TURCWGVERXlNREJJWHpVME56WTVOMTlwYldGblpWOHdNRE5mTVRjeU56Z3hPREl5TVRFek1pNXFjR2N8ZmE1NWE2MmQwNDhmYTg3YmIxODUxYmRiZDhmMmQ3MDk5MmM4YTg0YjQ2MjI1ZGExNmE1ZTVhMjdhYjA4NmE5OQ)
![1-Port Seriell auf POE Ethernet Adapter Serial TCP IP Server Wand/DIN Montage 802.3af PoE RS232 Ethernet Adapter/LAN Konverter RS232 auf RJ45/RS232 über Ethernet Adapter](/medias/1200Wx1200H-547697-image-004-1727818229462.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8NzA5NDF8aW1hZ2UvanBlZ3xjSEp2WkhWamRITXZOVFEzTmprM0x6RXlNREJYZURFeU1EQklYelUwTnpZNU4xOXBiV0ZuWlY4d01EUmZNVGN5TnpneE9ESXlPVFEyTWk1cWNHY3w3NDQzYWQ2Mjk4ZDI4NjY0OTk0YWVkNzA5ZWU5ZTkwMmU4ZTZkYTQwNWIzN2VkMDZlMGVlZDQyNjNkYTRiYTgy)
![1-Port Seriell auf POE Ethernet Adapter Serial TCP IP Server Wand/DIN Montage 802.3af PoE RS232 Ethernet Adapter/LAN Konverter RS232 auf RJ45/RS232 über Ethernet Adapter](/medias/1200Wx1200H-547697-image-005-1727818223170.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8NjMxOTEyfGltYWdlL2pwZWd8Y0hKdlpIVmpkSE12TlRRM05qazNMekV5TURCWGVERXlNREJJWHpVME56WTVOMTlwYldGblpWOHdNRFZmTVRjeU56Z3hPREl5TXpFM01DNXFjR2N8MDU5ZjAyZjcxY2JmYjY5OTJiOTlkMmJhMGViOGRjNGE1ZDJiZTc1YTcyMjU2MWFjMDQzZTBkZTY1MDIwMWJmMA)
5 Images
![1-Port Seriell auf POE Ethernet Adapter Serial TCP IP Server Wand/DIN Montage 802.3af PoE RS232 Ethernet Adapter/LAN Konverter RS232 auf RJ45/RS232 über Ethernet Adapter](/medias/1200Wx1200H-547697-image-001-1727818231454.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8MTAzNDQzfGltYWdlL2pwZWd8Y0hKdlpIVmpkSE12TlRRM05qazNMekV5TURCWGVERXlNREJJWHpVME56WTVOMTlwYldGblpWOHdNREZmTVRjeU56Z3hPREl6TVRRMU5DNXFjR2N8NTUxNjQ5YjdiMThlZDliMWY2YWMxYWQ5ZmY4MWI1ZjM2NmI4MjkwODI1ZjA1ODU2NDc0YjlhNzJjNzcxMTA0Yg)
![1-Port Seriell auf POE Ethernet Adapter Serial TCP IP Server Wand/DIN Montage 802.3af PoE RS232 Ethernet Adapter/LAN Konverter RS232 auf RJ45/RS232 über Ethernet Adapter](/medias/1200Wx1200H-547697-image-002-1727818227436.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8NzkyODZ8aW1hZ2UvanBlZ3xjSEp2WkhWamRITXZOVFEzTmprM0x6RXlNREJYZURFeU1EQklYelUwTnpZNU4xOXBiV0ZuWlY4d01ESmZNVGN5TnpneE9ESXlOelF6Tmk1cWNHY3xlYzAxYzZkYTBiYTNhYTRjMGUzMGI4NDlmYTM3NTUxYjM5ZTc0NDdmZGU2ZTBlYWEyOTQ5ZmEzMzZmOWEyMzIz)
![1-Port Seriell auf POE Ethernet Adapter Serial TCP IP Server Wand/DIN Montage 802.3af PoE RS232 Ethernet Adapter/LAN Konverter RS232 auf RJ45/RS232 über Ethernet Adapter](/medias/1200Wx1200H-547697-image-003-1727818221132.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8MTI2MDU4fGltYWdlL2pwZWd8Y0hKdlpIVmpkSE12TlRRM05qazNMekV5TURCWGVERXlNREJJWHpVME56WTVOMTlwYldGblpWOHdNRE5mTVRjeU56Z3hPREl5TVRFek1pNXFjR2N8ZmE1NWE2MmQwNDhmYTg3YmIxODUxYmRiZDhmMmQ3MDk5MmM4YTg0YjQ2MjI1ZGExNmE1ZTVhMjdhYjA4NmE5OQ)
![1-Port Seriell auf POE Ethernet Adapter Serial TCP IP Server Wand/DIN Montage 802.3af PoE RS232 Ethernet Adapter/LAN Konverter RS232 auf RJ45/RS232 über Ethernet Adapter](/medias/1200Wx1200H-547697-image-004-1727818229462.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8NzA5NDF8aW1hZ2UvanBlZ3xjSEp2WkhWamRITXZOVFEzTmprM0x6RXlNREJYZURFeU1EQklYelUwTnpZNU4xOXBiV0ZuWlY4d01EUmZNVGN5TnpneE9ESXlPVFEyTWk1cWNHY3w3NDQzYWQ2Mjk4ZDI4NjY0OTk0YWVkNzA5ZWU5ZTkwMmU4ZTZkYTQwNWIzN2VkMDZlMGVlZDQyNjNkYTRiYTgy)
![1-Port Seriell auf POE Ethernet Adapter Serial TCP IP Server Wand/DIN Montage 802.3af PoE RS232 Ethernet Adapter/LAN Konverter RS232 auf RJ45/RS232 über Ethernet Adapter](/medias/1200Wx1200H-547697-image-005-1727818223170.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8NjMxOTEyfGltYWdlL2pwZWd8Y0hKdlpIVmpkSE12TlRRM05qazNMekV5TURCWGVERXlNREJJWHpVME56WTVOMTlwYldGblpWOHdNRFZmTVRjeU56Z3hPREl5TXpFM01DNXFjR2N8MDU5ZjAyZjcxY2JmYjY5OTJiOTlkMmJhMGViOGRjNGE1ZDJiZTc1YTcyMjU2MWFjMDQzZTBkZTY1MDIwMWJmMA)
![1-Port Seriell auf POE Ethernet Adapter Serial TCP IP Server Wand/DIN Montage 802.3af PoE RS232 Ethernet Adapter/LAN Konverter RS232 auf RJ45/RS232 über Ethernet Adapter](/medias/1200Wx1200H-547697-image-001-1727818231454.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8MTAzNDQzfGltYWdlL2pwZWd8Y0hKdlpIVmpkSE12TlRRM05qazNMekV5TURCWGVERXlNREJJWHpVME56WTVOMTlwYldGblpWOHdNREZmTVRjeU56Z3hPREl6TVRRMU5DNXFjR2N8NTUxNjQ5YjdiMThlZDliMWY2YWMxYWQ5ZmY4MWI1ZjM2NmI4MjkwODI1ZjA1ODU2NDc0YjlhNzJjNzcxMTA0Yg)
![1-Port Seriell auf POE Ethernet Adapter Serial TCP IP Server Wand/DIN Montage 802.3af PoE RS232 Ethernet Adapter/LAN Konverter RS232 auf RJ45/RS232 über Ethernet Adapter](/medias/1200Wx1200H-547697-image-002-1727818227436.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8NzkyODZ8aW1hZ2UvanBlZ3xjSEp2WkhWamRITXZOVFEzTmprM0x6RXlNREJYZURFeU1EQklYelUwTnpZNU4xOXBiV0ZuWlY4d01ESmZNVGN5TnpneE9ESXlOelF6Tmk1cWNHY3xlYzAxYzZkYTBiYTNhYTRjMGUzMGI4NDlmYTM3NTUxYjM5ZTc0NDdmZGU2ZTBlYWEyOTQ5ZmEzMzZmOWEyMzIz)
![1-Port Seriell auf POE Ethernet Adapter Serial TCP IP Server Wand/DIN Montage 802.3af PoE RS232 Ethernet Adapter/LAN Konverter RS232 auf RJ45/RS232 über Ethernet Adapter](/medias/1200Wx1200H-547697-image-003-1727818221132.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8MTI2MDU4fGltYWdlL2pwZWd8Y0hKdlpIVmpkSE12TlRRM05qazNMekV5TURCWGVERXlNREJJWHpVME56WTVOMTlwYldGblpWOHdNRE5mTVRjeU56Z3hPREl5TVRFek1pNXFjR2N8ZmE1NWE2MmQwNDhmYTg3YmIxODUxYmRiZDhmMmQ3MDk5MmM4YTg0YjQ2MjI1ZGExNmE1ZTVhMjdhYjA4NmE5OQ)
![1-Port Seriell auf POE Ethernet Adapter Serial TCP IP Server Wand/DIN Montage 802.3af PoE RS232 Ethernet Adapter/LAN Konverter RS232 auf RJ45/RS232 über Ethernet Adapter](/medias/1200Wx1200H-547697-image-004-1727818229462.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8NzA5NDF8aW1hZ2UvanBlZ3xjSEp2WkhWamRITXZOVFEzTmprM0x6RXlNREJYZURFeU1EQklYelUwTnpZNU4xOXBiV0ZuWlY4d01EUmZNVGN5TnpneE9ESXlPVFEyTWk1cWNHY3w3NDQzYWQ2Mjk4ZDI4NjY0OTk0YWVkNzA5ZWU5ZTkwMmU4ZTZkYTQwNWIzN2VkMDZlMGVlZDQyNjNkYTRiYTgy)
![1-Port Seriell auf POE Ethernet Adapter Serial TCP IP Server Wand/DIN Montage 802.3af PoE RS232 Ethernet Adapter/LAN Konverter RS232 auf RJ45/RS232 über Ethernet Adapter](/medias/1200Wx1200H-547697-image-005-1727818223170.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8NjMxOTEyfGltYWdlL2pwZWd8Y0hKdlpIVmpkSE12TlRRM05qazNMekV5TURCWGVERXlNREJJWHpVME56WTVOMTlwYldGblpWOHdNRFZmTVRjeU56Z3hPREl5TXpFM01DNXFjR2N8MDU5ZjAyZjcxY2JmYjY5OTJiOTlkMmJhMGViOGRjNGE1ZDJiZTc1YTcyMjU2MWFjMDQzZTBkZTY1MDIwMWJmMA)
Product description
Streamline RS-232 connectivity for serial device management over IP with this PoE powered serial device server
This PoE serial-to-IP converter is an efficient solution for remotely connecting and controlling a variety of RS232 serial devices over an IP-based network. Compliant with the 802.3af PoE standard, the RJ45 LAN to DB9 adapter facilitates a seamless integration of data and power supply to the unit through a single Cat5/5e/6/6a copper cable
Configuration and Management
The DB9 to Ethernet Adapter family shares the same Windows Virtual COM Port software and Web User Interface (WebUI) for a unified experience. Users can employ the Windows software to view and manage all device servers within a network and to set up virtual COM ports. Alternatively, the WebUI provides a platform-independent method, allowing users to access and configure these device servers from any operating system. This flexibility ensures that administrators can manage their network of device servers efficiently, regardless of the operating system they are using.
The product family includes the following options:
• 1-Port Serial to Ethernet Adapter with PoE (I13P-SERIAL-ETHERNET)
• 1-Port Serial to Ethernet Adapter (I13-SERIAL-ETHERNET)
• 2-Port Serial to Ethernet Adapter (I23-SERIAL-ETHERNET)
• 4-Port Serial to Ethernet Adapter (I43-SERIAL-ETHERNET)
PoE and Ethernet options
Choose between dual power options, M-size barrel connector and Power over Ethernet (PoE), that provide maximum installation flexibility for a variety of scenarios. The TAA-compliant IP-to-serial converter features a single RJ45 10/100 Mbps Ethernet port and supports Telnet Server (RFC2217), TCP Server, TCP Client, and UDP protocols for versatile network connectivity. Supports Level-4 ESD protection (15kV air/8kV contact) and can supply 5VDC over pin 9 if required.
Flexible Installation and Rugged Chassis
The converter is housed in a full metal enclosure for durability in harsh environments. The DB9 over IP converter includes all necessary wall and DIN rail mounting hardware. Multiple mounting holes along the chassis allow it to be installed in the most useful orientation for any application. The compact design of 1.8x1x3.2in (46.1x 25x 81.9mm) is ideal for environments where space is at a premium.
The StarTech.com Advantage
This PoE serial-to-IP converter is an efficient solution for remotely connecting and controlling a variety of RS232 serial devices over an IP-based network. Compliant with the 802.3af PoE standard, the RJ45 LAN to DB9 adapter facilitates a seamless integration of data and power supply to the unit through a single Cat5/5e/6/6a copper cable
Configuration and Management
The DB9 to Ethernet Adapter family shares the same Windows Virtual COM Port software and Web User Interface (WebUI) for a unified experience. Users can employ the Windows software to view and manage all device servers within a network and to set up virtual COM ports. Alternatively, the WebUI provides a platform-independent method, allowing users to access and configure these device servers from any operating system. This flexibility ensures that administrators can manage their network of device servers efficiently, regardless of the operating system they are using.
The product family includes the following options:
• 1-Port Serial to Ethernet Adapter with PoE (I13P-SERIAL-ETHERNET)
• 1-Port Serial to Ethernet Adapter (I13-SERIAL-ETHERNET)
• 2-Port Serial to Ethernet Adapter (I23-SERIAL-ETHERNET)
• 4-Port Serial to Ethernet Adapter (I43-SERIAL-ETHERNET)
PoE and Ethernet options
Choose between dual power options, M-size barrel connector and Power over Ethernet (PoE), that provide maximum installation flexibility for a variety of scenarios. The TAA-compliant IP-to-serial converter features a single RJ45 10/100 Mbps Ethernet port and supports Telnet Server (RFC2217), TCP Server, TCP Client, and UDP protocols for versatile network connectivity. Supports Level-4 ESD protection (15kV air/8kV contact) and can supply 5VDC over pin 9 if required.
Flexible Installation and Rugged Chassis
The converter is housed in a full metal enclosure for durability in harsh environments. The DB9 over IP converter includes all necessary wall and DIN rail mounting hardware. Multiple mounting holes along the chassis allow it to be installed in the most useful orientation for any application. The compact design of 1.8x1x3.2in (46.1x 25x 81.9mm) is ideal for environments where space is at a premium.
The StarTech.com Advantage
Technical specifications
Logistics data
Master (outer) case height | 313 mm |
Master (outer) case width | 390 mm |
Master (outer) case length | 515 mm |
Products per master (outer) case | 40 ST |
AC adapter included | Y |
Package weight | 1,200 g |
Package depth | 207 mm |
Package width | 144 mm |
Package height | 30 mm |
Sonstige Funktionen
Networking standards | IEEE 802.3af,IEEE 802.3i,IEEE 802.3u |
Operational conditions
Operating relative humidity (H-H) | 5 - 95 |
Storage temperature (T-T) | -20 - 75 |
Operating temperature (T-T) | 0 - 60 |
Gewicht und Abmessungen
Weight | 155 g |
Height | 25 mm |
Width | 82 mm |
Depth | 46 mm |
LED indicators | Y |
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ID: 547697
1-Port Seriell auf POE Ethernet Adapter Serial TCP IP Server Wand/DIN Montage 802.3af PoE RS232 Ethernet Adapter/LAN Konverter RS232 auf RJ45/RS232 über Ethernet Adapter
Detailed product title
Detailed product title
StarTech.com 1-Port Seriell auf POE Ethernet Adapter Serial TCP IP Server Wand/DIN Montage 802.3af PoE RS232 Ethernet Adapter/LAN Ko nverter RS232 auf RJ45/RS232 über Ethernet Adapter für RS232-Ferngeräte
![1-Port Seriell auf POE Ethernet Adapter Serial TCP IP Server Wand/DIN Montage 802.3af PoE RS232 Ethernet Adapter/LAN Konverter RS232 auf RJ45/RS232 über Ethernet Adapter](/medias/1200Wx1200H-547697-image-001-1727818231454.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8MTAzNDQzfGltYWdlL2pwZWd8Y0hKdlpIVmpkSE12TlRRM05qazNMekV5TURCWGVERXlNREJJWHpVME56WTVOMTlwYldGblpWOHdNREZmTVRjeU56Z3hPREl6TVRRMU5DNXFjR2N8NTUxNjQ5YjdiMThlZDliMWY2YWMxYWQ5ZmY4MWI1ZjM2NmI4MjkwODI1ZjA1ODU2NDc0YjlhNzJjNzcxMTA0Yg)
![1-Port Seriell auf POE Ethernet Adapter Serial TCP IP Server Wand/DIN Montage 802.3af PoE RS232 Ethernet Adapter/LAN Konverter RS232 auf RJ45/RS232 über Ethernet Adapter](/medias/1200Wx1200H-547697-image-002-1727818227436.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8NzkyODZ8aW1hZ2UvanBlZ3xjSEp2WkhWamRITXZOVFEzTmprM0x6RXlNREJYZURFeU1EQklYelUwTnpZNU4xOXBiV0ZuWlY4d01ESmZNVGN5TnpneE9ESXlOelF6Tmk1cWNHY3xlYzAxYzZkYTBiYTNhYTRjMGUzMGI4NDlmYTM3NTUxYjM5ZTc0NDdmZGU2ZTBlYWEyOTQ5ZmEzMzZmOWEyMzIz)
![1-Port Seriell auf POE Ethernet Adapter Serial TCP IP Server Wand/DIN Montage 802.3af PoE RS232 Ethernet Adapter/LAN Konverter RS232 auf RJ45/RS232 über Ethernet Adapter](/medias/1200Wx1200H-547697-image-003-1727818221132.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8MTI2MDU4fGltYWdlL2pwZWd8Y0hKdlpIVmpkSE12TlRRM05qazNMekV5TURCWGVERXlNREJJWHpVME56WTVOMTlwYldGblpWOHdNRE5mTVRjeU56Z3hPREl5TVRFek1pNXFjR2N8ZmE1NWE2MmQwNDhmYTg3YmIxODUxYmRiZDhmMmQ3MDk5MmM4YTg0YjQ2MjI1ZGExNmE1ZTVhMjdhYjA4NmE5OQ)
![1-Port Seriell auf POE Ethernet Adapter Serial TCP IP Server Wand/DIN Montage 802.3af PoE RS232 Ethernet Adapter/LAN Konverter RS232 auf RJ45/RS232 über Ethernet Adapter](/medias/1200Wx1200H-547697-image-004-1727818229462.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8NzA5NDF8aW1hZ2UvanBlZ3xjSEp2WkhWamRITXZOVFEzTmprM0x6RXlNREJYZURFeU1EQklYelUwTnpZNU4xOXBiV0ZuWlY4d01EUmZNVGN5TnpneE9ESXlPVFEyTWk1cWNHY3w3NDQzYWQ2Mjk4ZDI4NjY0OTk0YWVkNzA5ZWU5ZTkwMmU4ZTZkYTQwNWIzN2VkMDZlMGVlZDQyNjNkYTRiYTgy)
![1-Port Seriell auf POE Ethernet Adapter Serial TCP IP Server Wand/DIN Montage 802.3af PoE RS232 Ethernet Adapter/LAN Konverter RS232 auf RJ45/RS232 über Ethernet Adapter](/medias/1200Wx1200H-547697-image-005-1727818223170.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8NjMxOTEyfGltYWdlL2pwZWd8Y0hKdlpIVmpkSE12TlRRM05qazNMekV5TURCWGVERXlNREJJWHpVME56WTVOMTlwYldGblpWOHdNRFZmTVRjeU56Z3hPREl5TXpFM01DNXFjR2N8MDU5ZjAyZjcxY2JmYjY5OTJiOTlkMmJhMGViOGRjNGE1ZDJiZTc1YTcyMjU2MWFjMDQzZTBkZTY1MDIwMWJmMA)
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Product description
Streamline RS-232 connectivity for serial device management over IP with this PoE powered serial device server
This PoE serial-to-IP converter is an efficient solution for remotely connecting and controlling a variety of RS232 serial devices over an IP-based network. Compliant with the 802.3af PoE standard, the RJ45 LAN to DB9 adapter facilitates a seamless integration of data and power supply to the unit through a single Cat5/5e/6/6a copper cable
Configuration and Management
The DB9 to Ethernet Adapter family shares the same Windows Virtual COM Port software and Web User Interface (WebUI) for a unified experience. Users can employ the Windows software to view and manage all device servers within a network and to set up virtual COM ports. Alternatively, the WebUI provides a platform-independent method, allowing users to access and configure these device servers from any operating system. This flexibility ensures that administrators can manage their network of device servers efficiently, regardless of the operating system they are using.
The product family includes the following options:
• 1-Port Serial to Ethernet Adapter with PoE (I13P-SERIAL-ETHERNET)
• 1-Port Serial to Ethernet Adapter (I13-SERIAL-ETHERNET)
• 2-Port Serial to Ethernet Adapter (I23-SERIAL-ETHERNET)
• 4-Port Serial to Ethernet Adapter (I43-SERIAL-ETHERNET)
PoE and Ethernet options
Choose between dual power options, M-size barrel connector and Power over Ethernet (PoE), that provide maximum installation flexibility for a variety of scenarios. The TAA-compliant IP-to-serial converter features a single RJ45 10/100 Mbps Ethernet port and supports Telnet Server (RFC2217), TCP Server, TCP Client, and UDP protocols for versatile network connectivity. Supports Level-4 ESD protection (15kV air/8kV contact) and can supply 5VDC over pin 9 if required.
Flexible Installation and Rugged Chassis
The converter is housed in a full metal enclosure for durability in harsh environments. The DB9 over IP converter includes all necessary wall and DIN rail mounting hardware. Multiple mounting holes along the chassis allow it to be installed in the most useful orientation for any application. The compact design of 1.8x1x3.2in (46.1x 25x 81.9mm) is ideal for environments where space is at a premium.
The StarTech.com Advantage
This PoE serial-to-IP converter is an efficient solution for remotely connecting and controlling a variety of RS232 serial devices over an IP-based network. Compliant with the 802.3af PoE standard, the RJ45 LAN to DB9 adapter facilitates a seamless integration of data and power supply to the unit through a single Cat5/5e/6/6a copper cable
Configuration and Management
The DB9 to Ethernet Adapter family shares the same Windows Virtual COM Port software and Web User Interface (WebUI) for a unified experience. Users can employ the Windows software to view and manage all device servers within a network and to set up virtual COM ports. Alternatively, the WebUI provides a platform-independent method, allowing users to access and configure these device servers from any operating system. This flexibility ensures that administrators can manage their network of device servers efficiently, regardless of the operating system they are using.
The product family includes the following options:
• 1-Port Serial to Ethernet Adapter with PoE (I13P-SERIAL-ETHERNET)
• 1-Port Serial to Ethernet Adapter (I13-SERIAL-ETHERNET)
• 2-Port Serial to Ethernet Adapter (I23-SERIAL-ETHERNET)
• 4-Port Serial to Ethernet Adapter (I43-SERIAL-ETHERNET)
PoE and Ethernet options
Choose between dual power options, M-size barrel connector and Power over Ethernet (PoE), that provide maximum installation flexibility for a variety of scenarios. The TAA-compliant IP-to-serial converter features a single RJ45 10/100 Mbps Ethernet port and supports Telnet Server (RFC2217), TCP Server, TCP Client, and UDP protocols for versatile network connectivity. Supports Level-4 ESD protection (15kV air/8kV contact) and can supply 5VDC over pin 9 if required.
Flexible Installation and Rugged Chassis
The converter is housed in a full metal enclosure for durability in harsh environments. The DB9 over IP converter includes all necessary wall and DIN rail mounting hardware. Multiple mounting holes along the chassis allow it to be installed in the most useful orientation for any application. The compact design of 1.8x1x3.2in (46.1x 25x 81.9mm) is ideal for environments where space is at a premium.
The StarTech.com Advantage
Technical specifications
Logistics data
Master (outer) case height | 313 mm |
Master (outer) case width | 390 mm |
Master (outer) case length | 515 mm |
Products per master (outer) case | 40 ST |
AC adapter included | Y |
Package weight | 1,200 g |
Package depth | 207 mm |
Package width | 144 mm |
Package height | 30 mm |
Sonstige Funktionen
Networking standards | IEEE 802.3af,IEEE 802.3i,IEEE 802.3u |
Operational conditions
Operating relative humidity (H-H) | 5 - 95 |
Storage temperature (T-T) | -20 - 75 |
Operating temperature (T-T) | 0 - 60 |
Gewicht und Abmessungen
Weight | 155 g |
Height | 25 mm |
Width | 82 mm |
Depth | 46 mm |
LED indicators | Y |
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