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Mobile Computing
Photo / Video
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Office applications
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- BRAVIA Professional FW-32BZ30J 81cm (32") Digital Signage 3840x2160 Pixel 10ms 3000:1 300cd/m²
![BRAVIA Professional FW-32BZ30J 81cm (32") Digital Signage 3840x2160 Pixel 10ms 3000:1 300cd/m²](/medias/1200Wx1200H-262460-image-001-1713526188543.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8NDEyNzM4fGltYWdlL2pwZWd8Y0hKdlpIVmpkSE12TWpZeU5EWXdMekV5TURCWGVERXlNREJJWHpJMk1qUTJNRjlwYldGblpWOHdNREZmTVRjeE16VXlOakU0T0RVME15NXFjR2N8MDFiYTQzZmQ4ZmY4YWRkYmYzMDhjNjI3NDFlOWU0NzRmMTdkZGMzOGQyODE3NTM0ZmFmZGMyNzc0ZGE5MDgyOA)
![BRAVIA Professional FW-32BZ30J 81cm (32") Digital Signage 3840x2160 Pixel 10ms 3000:1 300cd/m²](/medias/1200Wx1200H-262460-image-002-1713526190723.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8MTU3NjU2fGltYWdlL2pwZWd8Y0hKdlpIVmpkSE12TWpZeU5EWXdMekV5TURCWGVERXlNREJJWHpJMk1qUTJNRjlwYldGblpWOHdNREpmTVRjeE16VXlOakU1TURjeU15NXFjR2N8MWJhMDExYjk4NmE1NDIwMTMzY2UzNmJlYzQ5YWRlMzM1ZjZlMjMxNDkzOWQ3OTEzZDMyMjdjMmUyYmIwMDUyNg)
![BRAVIA Professional FW-32BZ30J 81cm (32") Digital Signage 3840x2160 Pixel 10ms 3000:1 300cd/m²](/medias/1200Wx1200H-262460-image-003-1713526193878.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8MTc3MDU2fGltYWdlL2pwZWd8Y0hKdlpIVmpkSE12TWpZeU5EWXdMekV5TURCWGVERXlNREJJWHpJMk1qUTJNRjlwYldGblpWOHdNRE5mTVRjeE16VXlOakU1TXpnM09DNXFjR2N8YzExMWE2OGY4OTkxZTFiZGY5NGYwNjc0Mzc0MmIxZjM3YTQ4Njk5MWFjM2ZkOTgxNTAxNGQwNGJhMjZjNGVmYg)
![BRAVIA Professional FW-32BZ30J 81cm (32") Digital Signage 3840x2160 Pixel 10ms 3000:1 300cd/m²](/medias/1200Wx1200H-262460-image-004-1713526196997.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8MjY1NDM4fGltYWdlL2pwZWd8Y0hKdlpIVmpkSE12TWpZeU5EWXdMekV5TURCWGVERXlNREJJWHpJMk1qUTJNRjlwYldGblpWOHdNRFJmTVRjeE16VXlOakU1TmprNU55NXFjR2N8NzAyMGU0NzM3MjFiYjE4MmU4OTc4YTBhNjExOThiZGYwNzI4ZTFkMDI0Y2ZjNDY0ZmI5NTEwM2U4NDgyNjUzNg)
![BRAVIA Professional FW-32BZ30J 81cm (32") Digital Signage 3840x2160 Pixel 10ms 3000:1 300cd/m²](/medias/1200Wx1200H-262460-image-005-1738244493733.webp?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8NjgwMnxpbWFnZS93ZWJwfGNISnZaSFZqZEhNdk1qWXlORFl3THpFeU1EQlhlREV5TURCSVh6STJNalEyTUY5cGJXRm5aVjh3TURWZk1UY3pPREkwTkRRNU16Y3pNeTUzWldKd3w1ZjQ0OGY4ZWQ3Y2EwOTNiMzJmNGNiM2QyMzdkODhlOTQzOTJlNDdjMjgxNTMzM2VjYWY0ZDcwMjYxM2FhMjU4)
![BRAVIA Professional FW-32BZ30J 81cm (32") Digital Signage 3840x2160 Pixel 10ms 3000:1 300cd/m²](/medias/1200Wx1200H-262460-image-001-1713526188543.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8NDEyNzM4fGltYWdlL2pwZWd8Y0hKdlpIVmpkSE12TWpZeU5EWXdMekV5TURCWGVERXlNREJJWHpJMk1qUTJNRjlwYldGblpWOHdNREZmTVRjeE16VXlOakU0T0RVME15NXFjR2N8MDFiYTQzZmQ4ZmY4YWRkYmYzMDhjNjI3NDFlOWU0NzRmMTdkZGMzOGQyODE3NTM0ZmFmZGMyNzc0ZGE5MDgyOA)
![BRAVIA Professional FW-32BZ30J 81cm (32") Digital Signage 3840x2160 Pixel 10ms 3000:1 300cd/m²](/medias/1200Wx1200H-262460-image-002-1713526190723.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8MTU3NjU2fGltYWdlL2pwZWd8Y0hKdlpIVmpkSE12TWpZeU5EWXdMekV5TURCWGVERXlNREJJWHpJMk1qUTJNRjlwYldGblpWOHdNREpmTVRjeE16VXlOakU1TURjeU15NXFjR2N8MWJhMDExYjk4NmE1NDIwMTMzY2UzNmJlYzQ5YWRlMzM1ZjZlMjMxNDkzOWQ3OTEzZDMyMjdjMmUyYmIwMDUyNg)
![BRAVIA Professional FW-32BZ30J 81cm (32") Digital Signage 3840x2160 Pixel 10ms 3000:1 300cd/m²](/medias/1200Wx1200H-262460-image-003-1713526193878.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8MTc3MDU2fGltYWdlL2pwZWd8Y0hKdlpIVmpkSE12TWpZeU5EWXdMekV5TURCWGVERXlNREJJWHpJMk1qUTJNRjlwYldGblpWOHdNRE5mTVRjeE16VXlOakU1TXpnM09DNXFjR2N8YzExMWE2OGY4OTkxZTFiZGY5NGYwNjc0Mzc0MmIxZjM3YTQ4Njk5MWFjM2ZkOTgxNTAxNGQwNGJhMjZjNGVmYg)
![BRAVIA Professional FW-32BZ30J 81cm (32") Digital Signage 3840x2160 Pixel 10ms 3000:1 300cd/m²](/medias/1200Wx1200H-262460-image-004-1713526196997.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8MjY1NDM4fGltYWdlL2pwZWd8Y0hKdlpIVmpkSE12TWpZeU5EWXdMekV5TURCWGVERXlNREJJWHpJMk1qUTJNRjlwYldGblpWOHdNRFJmTVRjeE16VXlOakU1TmprNU55NXFjR2N8NzAyMGU0NzM3MjFiYjE4MmU4OTc4YTBhNjExOThiZGYwNzI4ZTFkMDI0Y2ZjNDY0ZmI5NTEwM2U4NDgyNjUzNg)
![BRAVIA Professional FW-32BZ30J 81cm (32") Digital Signage 3840x2160 Pixel 10ms 3000:1 300cd/m²](/medias/1200Wx1200H-262460-image-005-1738244493733.webp?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8NjgwMnxpbWFnZS93ZWJwfGNISnZaSFZqZEhNdk1qWXlORFl3THpFeU1EQlhlREV5TURCSVh6STJNalEyTUY5cGJXRm5aVjh3TURWZk1UY3pPREkwTkRRNU16Y3pNeTUzWldKd3w1ZjQ0OGY4ZWQ3Y2EwOTNiMzJmNGNiM2QyMzdkODhlOTQzOTJlNDdjMjgxNTMzM2VjYWY0ZDcwMjYxM2FhMjU4)
5 Images
![BRAVIA Professional FW-32BZ30J 81cm (32") Digital Signage 3840x2160 Pixel 10ms 3000:1 300cd/m²](/medias/1200Wx1200H-262460-image-001-1713526188543.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8NDEyNzM4fGltYWdlL2pwZWd8Y0hKdlpIVmpkSE12TWpZeU5EWXdMekV5TURCWGVERXlNREJJWHpJMk1qUTJNRjlwYldGblpWOHdNREZmTVRjeE16VXlOakU0T0RVME15NXFjR2N8MDFiYTQzZmQ4ZmY4YWRkYmYzMDhjNjI3NDFlOWU0NzRmMTdkZGMzOGQyODE3NTM0ZmFmZGMyNzc0ZGE5MDgyOA)
![BRAVIA Professional FW-32BZ30J 81cm (32") Digital Signage 3840x2160 Pixel 10ms 3000:1 300cd/m²](/medias/1200Wx1200H-262460-image-002-1713526190723.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8MTU3NjU2fGltYWdlL2pwZWd8Y0hKdlpIVmpkSE12TWpZeU5EWXdMekV5TURCWGVERXlNREJJWHpJMk1qUTJNRjlwYldGblpWOHdNREpmTVRjeE16VXlOakU1TURjeU15NXFjR2N8MWJhMDExYjk4NmE1NDIwMTMzY2UzNmJlYzQ5YWRlMzM1ZjZlMjMxNDkzOWQ3OTEzZDMyMjdjMmUyYmIwMDUyNg)
![BRAVIA Professional FW-32BZ30J 81cm (32") Digital Signage 3840x2160 Pixel 10ms 3000:1 300cd/m²](/medias/1200Wx1200H-262460-image-003-1713526193878.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8MTc3MDU2fGltYWdlL2pwZWd8Y0hKdlpIVmpkSE12TWpZeU5EWXdMekV5TURCWGVERXlNREJJWHpJMk1qUTJNRjlwYldGblpWOHdNRE5mTVRjeE16VXlOakU1TXpnM09DNXFjR2N8YzExMWE2OGY4OTkxZTFiZGY5NGYwNjc0Mzc0MmIxZjM3YTQ4Njk5MWFjM2ZkOTgxNTAxNGQwNGJhMjZjNGVmYg)
![BRAVIA Professional FW-32BZ30J 81cm (32") Digital Signage 3840x2160 Pixel 10ms 3000:1 300cd/m²](/medias/1200Wx1200H-262460-image-004-1713526196997.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8MjY1NDM4fGltYWdlL2pwZWd8Y0hKdlpIVmpkSE12TWpZeU5EWXdMekV5TURCWGVERXlNREJJWHpJMk1qUTJNRjlwYldGblpWOHdNRFJmTVRjeE16VXlOakU1TmprNU55NXFjR2N8NzAyMGU0NzM3MjFiYjE4MmU4OTc4YTBhNjExOThiZGYwNzI4ZTFkMDI0Y2ZjNDY0ZmI5NTEwM2U4NDgyNjUzNg)
![BRAVIA Professional FW-32BZ30J 81cm (32") Digital Signage 3840x2160 Pixel 10ms 3000:1 300cd/m²](/medias/1200Wx1200H-262460-image-005-1738244493733.webp?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8NjgwMnxpbWFnZS93ZWJwfGNISnZaSFZqZEhNdk1qWXlORFl3THpFeU1EQlhlREV5TURCSVh6STJNalEyTUY5cGJXRm5aVjh3TURWZk1UY3pPREkwTkRRNU16Y3pNeTUzWldKd3w1ZjQ0OGY4ZWQ3Y2EwOTNiMzJmNGNiM2QyMzdkODhlOTQzOTJlNDdjMjgxNTMzM2VjYWY0ZDcwMjYxM2FhMjU4)
![BRAVIA Professional FW-32BZ30J 81cm (32") Digital Signage 3840x2160 Pixel 10ms 3000:1 300cd/m²](/medias/1200Wx1200H-262460-image-001-1713526188543.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8NDEyNzM4fGltYWdlL2pwZWd8Y0hKdlpIVmpkSE12TWpZeU5EWXdMekV5TURCWGVERXlNREJJWHpJMk1qUTJNRjlwYldGblpWOHdNREZmTVRjeE16VXlOakU0T0RVME15NXFjR2N8MDFiYTQzZmQ4ZmY4YWRkYmYzMDhjNjI3NDFlOWU0NzRmMTdkZGMzOGQyODE3NTM0ZmFmZGMyNzc0ZGE5MDgyOA)
![BRAVIA Professional FW-32BZ30J 81cm (32") Digital Signage 3840x2160 Pixel 10ms 3000:1 300cd/m²](/medias/1200Wx1200H-262460-image-002-1713526190723.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8MTU3NjU2fGltYWdlL2pwZWd8Y0hKdlpIVmpkSE12TWpZeU5EWXdMekV5TURCWGVERXlNREJJWHpJMk1qUTJNRjlwYldGblpWOHdNREpmTVRjeE16VXlOakU1TURjeU15NXFjR2N8MWJhMDExYjk4NmE1NDIwMTMzY2UzNmJlYzQ5YWRlMzM1ZjZlMjMxNDkzOWQ3OTEzZDMyMjdjMmUyYmIwMDUyNg)
![BRAVIA Professional FW-32BZ30J 81cm (32") Digital Signage 3840x2160 Pixel 10ms 3000:1 300cd/m²](/medias/1200Wx1200H-262460-image-003-1713526193878.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8MTc3MDU2fGltYWdlL2pwZWd8Y0hKdlpIVmpkSE12TWpZeU5EWXdMekV5TURCWGVERXlNREJJWHpJMk1qUTJNRjlwYldGblpWOHdNRE5mTVRjeE16VXlOakU1TXpnM09DNXFjR2N8YzExMWE2OGY4OTkxZTFiZGY5NGYwNjc0Mzc0MmIxZjM3YTQ4Njk5MWFjM2ZkOTgxNTAxNGQwNGJhMjZjNGVmYg)
![BRAVIA Professional FW-32BZ30J 81cm (32") Digital Signage 3840x2160 Pixel 10ms 3000:1 300cd/m²](/medias/1200Wx1200H-262460-image-004-1713526196997.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8MjY1NDM4fGltYWdlL2pwZWd8Y0hKdlpIVmpkSE12TWpZeU5EWXdMekV5TURCWGVERXlNREJJWHpJMk1qUTJNRjlwYldGblpWOHdNRFJmTVRjeE16VXlOakU1TmprNU55NXFjR2N8NzAyMGU0NzM3MjFiYjE4MmU4OTc4YTBhNjExOThiZGYwNzI4ZTFkMDI0Y2ZjNDY0ZmI5NTEwM2U4NDgyNjUzNg)
![BRAVIA Professional FW-32BZ30J 81cm (32") Digital Signage 3840x2160 Pixel 10ms 3000:1 300cd/m²](/medias/1200Wx1200H-262460-image-005-1738244493733.webp?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8NjgwMnxpbWFnZS93ZWJwfGNISnZaSFZqZEhNdk1qWXlORFl3THpFeU1EQlhlREV5TURCSVh6STJNalEyTUY5cGJXRm5aVjh3TURWZk1UY3pPREkwTkRRNU16Y3pNeTUzWldKd3w1ZjQ0OGY4ZWQ3Y2EwOTNiMzJmNGNiM2QyMzdkODhlOTQzOTJlNDdjMjgxNTMzM2VjYWY0ZDcwMjYxM2FhMjU4)
Product description
The 32inch BRAVIA FW-32BZ30J combines bright, beautiful 4K pictures with business-friendly features.
Featuring Sony's powerful 4K HDR Processor X1, the FW-32BZ30J delivers superb picture quality, with immersive images that combine amazing color, contrast, clarity, and motion.
The slim, elegant FW-32BZ30J is designed with a wide range of B2B applications in mind, featuring a smart design. Neat cable management is complemented by a convenient adaptor holder than neatly stows the supplied AC power adaptor at the rear of the display.
The display's powerful built-in Android OS System on an SoC platform ensures fast boot-up plus smooth apps, animations, and a seamless user experience.
Pro mode allows quick and easy customization to suit different environments including corporate, education, and digital signage, while One Step Setting optimizes set-up for signage and conference rooms at the touch of a button. IP control capability allows easy installation with support from major key partners including Crestron, Extron, and Kramer. The FW-32BZ30J also features integrated mirroring functionality through both Chromecast built-in and AirPlay 2, providing a simple, quick, and touchless connection from a user's device.
For even greater peace of mind, BRAVIA includes the added reassurance of our 3 Year Advanced Exchange service as standard. If there's a problem we'll offer a free, brand-new replacement product rather than a repair.
4K image resolution (3840 x 2160 pixels)
4K offers four times the detail of Full HD, with a resolution of over 8 million pixels bringing extra clarity to corporate display, education, and digital signage applications, especially when viewed up close, for example in huddle spaces.
4K HDR Processor X1
Sony's powerful 4K HDR Processor X1 enhances color, clarity, and contrast for outstandingly lifelike 4K HDR picture quality.
See finer detail with 4K X-Reality PRO
4K X-Reality PRO upscales pictures closer to true 4K quality. Images are sharpened and refined in real time, revealing extra detail from lower-resolution picture sources.
Rich, natural color with TRILUMINOS PRO
TRILUMINOS PRO maps colors from a wider palette, faithfully reproducing a world of more vivid, lifelike hues and tones.
Smooth, fluid on-screen action
The 4K panel is teamed with Motionflow XR technology for smoother, more natural reproduction of rapidly moving on-screen images.
Quick set-up with Pro Mode
Customize and store display settings and features, then copy easily to multiple displays via USB flash memory.
One Step Setting
A time-saver in corporate environments, One Step Setting optimizes picture and networking settings to suit meeting rooms and signage applications at the touch of a single button.
Simple screen mirroring
Support for Chromecast built-in and Apple AirPlay 2 makes it easy to stream AV content wirelessly from an Android or iOS device straight to BRAVIA.
Enhanced wireless connectivity
The FW-32BZ30J supports wireless connectivity via Wi-Fi 5 GHz and 2.4 GHz as well as Bluetooth 4.2.
Made for doing business
The FW-32BZ30J is designed for professional installations with support for landscape, portrait, or tilt orientation plus an AC adaptor holder with cable guide slit.
Developer friendly, easy integration
BRAVIA offers seamless support with leading automation and control platforms, while open APIs offer limitless integration opportunities with other vendor solutions.
Greater Peace of Mind
There's extra reassurance with our 3 Year Advanced Exchange PrimeSupport service that's included as standard. If there's a fault with your BRAVIA Professional Display, we'll provide a replacement unit at no extra charge to keep you up and running.
Featuring Sony's powerful 4K HDR Processor X1, the FW-32BZ30J delivers superb picture quality, with immersive images that combine amazing color, contrast, clarity, and motion.
The slim, elegant FW-32BZ30J is designed with a wide range of B2B applications in mind, featuring a smart design. Neat cable management is complemented by a convenient adaptor holder than neatly stows the supplied AC power adaptor at the rear of the display.
The display's powerful built-in Android OS System on an SoC platform ensures fast boot-up plus smooth apps, animations, and a seamless user experience.
Pro mode allows quick and easy customization to suit different environments including corporate, education, and digital signage, while One Step Setting optimizes set-up for signage and conference rooms at the touch of a button. IP control capability allows easy installation with support from major key partners including Crestron, Extron, and Kramer. The FW-32BZ30J also features integrated mirroring functionality through both Chromecast built-in and AirPlay 2, providing a simple, quick, and touchless connection from a user's device.
For even greater peace of mind, BRAVIA includes the added reassurance of our 3 Year Advanced Exchange service as standard. If there's a problem we'll offer a free, brand-new replacement product rather than a repair.
4K image resolution (3840 x 2160 pixels)
4K offers four times the detail of Full HD, with a resolution of over 8 million pixels bringing extra clarity to corporate display, education, and digital signage applications, especially when viewed up close, for example in huddle spaces.
4K HDR Processor X1
Sony's powerful 4K HDR Processor X1 enhances color, clarity, and contrast for outstandingly lifelike 4K HDR picture quality.
See finer detail with 4K X-Reality PRO
4K X-Reality PRO upscales pictures closer to true 4K quality. Images are sharpened and refined in real time, revealing extra detail from lower-resolution picture sources.
Rich, natural color with TRILUMINOS PRO
TRILUMINOS PRO maps colors from a wider palette, faithfully reproducing a world of more vivid, lifelike hues and tones.
Smooth, fluid on-screen action
The 4K panel is teamed with Motionflow XR technology for smoother, more natural reproduction of rapidly moving on-screen images.
Quick set-up with Pro Mode
Customize and store display settings and features, then copy easily to multiple displays via USB flash memory.
One Step Setting
A time-saver in corporate environments, One Step Setting optimizes picture and networking settings to suit meeting rooms and signage applications at the touch of a single button.
Simple screen mirroring
Support for Chromecast built-in and Apple AirPlay 2 makes it easy to stream AV content wirelessly from an Android or iOS device straight to BRAVIA.
Enhanced wireless connectivity
The FW-32BZ30J supports wireless connectivity via Wi-Fi 5 GHz and 2.4 GHz as well as Bluetooth 4.2.
Made for doing business
The FW-32BZ30J is designed for professional installations with support for landscape, portrait, or tilt orientation plus an AC adaptor holder with cable guide slit.
Developer friendly, easy integration
BRAVIA offers seamless support with leading automation and control platforms, while open APIs offer limitless integration opportunities with other vendor solutions.
Greater Peace of Mind
There's extra reassurance with our 3 Year Advanced Exchange PrimeSupport service that's included as standard. If there's a fault with your BRAVIA Professional Display, we'll provide a replacement unit at no extra charge to keep you up and running.
ID: 262460
Sony ID: FW-32BZ30J
BRAVIA Professional FW-32BZ30J 81cm (32") Digital Signage 3840x2160 Pixel 10ms 3000:1 300cd/m²
Detailed product title
Detailed product title
Sony BRAVIA Professional FW-32BZ30J 81cm (32") Digital Signage 3840x2160 Pixel 10ms 3000:1 300cd/m²
![BRAVIA Professional FW-32BZ30J 81cm (32") Digital Signage 3840x2160 Pixel 10ms 3000:1 300cd/m²](/medias/1200Wx1200H-262460-image-001-1713526188543.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8NDEyNzM4fGltYWdlL2pwZWd8Y0hKdlpIVmpkSE12TWpZeU5EWXdMekV5TURCWGVERXlNREJJWHpJMk1qUTJNRjlwYldGblpWOHdNREZmTVRjeE16VXlOakU0T0RVME15NXFjR2N8MDFiYTQzZmQ4ZmY4YWRkYmYzMDhjNjI3NDFlOWU0NzRmMTdkZGMzOGQyODE3NTM0ZmFmZGMyNzc0ZGE5MDgyOA)
![BRAVIA Professional FW-32BZ30J 81cm (32") Digital Signage 3840x2160 Pixel 10ms 3000:1 300cd/m²](/medias/1200Wx1200H-262460-image-002-1713526190723.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8MTU3NjU2fGltYWdlL2pwZWd8Y0hKdlpIVmpkSE12TWpZeU5EWXdMekV5TURCWGVERXlNREJJWHpJMk1qUTJNRjlwYldGblpWOHdNREpmTVRjeE16VXlOakU1TURjeU15NXFjR2N8MWJhMDExYjk4NmE1NDIwMTMzY2UzNmJlYzQ5YWRlMzM1ZjZlMjMxNDkzOWQ3OTEzZDMyMjdjMmUyYmIwMDUyNg)
![BRAVIA Professional FW-32BZ30J 81cm (32") Digital Signage 3840x2160 Pixel 10ms 3000:1 300cd/m²](/medias/1200Wx1200H-262460-image-003-1713526193878.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8MTc3MDU2fGltYWdlL2pwZWd8Y0hKdlpIVmpkSE12TWpZeU5EWXdMekV5TURCWGVERXlNREJJWHpJMk1qUTJNRjlwYldGblpWOHdNRE5mTVRjeE16VXlOakU1TXpnM09DNXFjR2N8YzExMWE2OGY4OTkxZTFiZGY5NGYwNjc0Mzc0MmIxZjM3YTQ4Njk5MWFjM2ZkOTgxNTAxNGQwNGJhMjZjNGVmYg)
![BRAVIA Professional FW-32BZ30J 81cm (32") Digital Signage 3840x2160 Pixel 10ms 3000:1 300cd/m²](/medias/1200Wx1200H-262460-image-004-1713526196997.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8MjY1NDM4fGltYWdlL2pwZWd8Y0hKdlpIVmpkSE12TWpZeU5EWXdMekV5TURCWGVERXlNREJJWHpJMk1qUTJNRjlwYldGblpWOHdNRFJmTVRjeE16VXlOakU1TmprNU55NXFjR2N8NzAyMGU0NzM3MjFiYjE4MmU4OTc4YTBhNjExOThiZGYwNzI4ZTFkMDI0Y2ZjNDY0ZmI5NTEwM2U4NDgyNjUzNg)
![BRAVIA Professional FW-32BZ30J 81cm (32") Digital Signage 3840x2160 Pixel 10ms 3000:1 300cd/m²](/medias/1200Wx1200H-262460-image-005-1738244493733.webp?context=bWFzdGVyfGF6dXJlUHJvZHVjdHN8NjgwMnxpbWFnZS93ZWJwfGNISnZaSFZqZEhNdk1qWXlORFl3THpFeU1EQlhlREV5TURCSVh6STJNalEyTUY5cGJXRm5aVjh3TURWZk1UY3pPREkwTkRRNU16Y3pNeTUzWldKd3w1ZjQ0OGY4ZWQ3Y2EwOTNiMzJmNGNiM2QyMzdkODhlOTQzOTJlNDdjMjgxNTMzM2VjYWY0ZDcwMjYxM2FhMjU4)
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Product description
The 32inch BRAVIA FW-32BZ30J combines bright, beautiful 4K pictures with business-friendly features.
Featuring Sony's powerful 4K HDR Processor X1, the FW-32BZ30J delivers superb picture quality, with immersive images that combine amazing color, contrast, clarity, and motion.
The slim, elegant FW-32BZ30J is designed with a wide range of B2B applications in mind, featuring a smart design. Neat cable management is complemented by a convenient adaptor holder than neatly stows the supplied AC power adaptor at the rear of the display.
The display's powerful built-in Android OS System on an SoC platform ensures fast boot-up plus smooth apps, animations, and a seamless user experience.
Pro mode allows quick and easy customization to suit different environments including corporate, education, and digital signage, while One Step Setting optimizes set-up for signage and conference rooms at the touch of a button. IP control capability allows easy installation with support from major key partners including Crestron, Extron, and Kramer. The FW-32BZ30J also features integrated mirroring functionality through both Chromecast built-in and AirPlay 2, providing a simple, quick, and touchless connection from a user's device.
For even greater peace of mind, BRAVIA includes the added reassurance of our 3 Year Advanced Exchange service as standard. If there's a problem we'll offer a free, brand-new replacement product rather than a repair.
4K image resolution (3840 x 2160 pixels)
4K offers four times the detail of Full HD, with a resolution of over 8 million pixels bringing extra clarity to corporate display, education, and digital signage applications, especially when viewed up close, for example in huddle spaces.
4K HDR Processor X1
Sony's powerful 4K HDR Processor X1 enhances color, clarity, and contrast for outstandingly lifelike 4K HDR picture quality.
See finer detail with 4K X-Reality PRO
4K X-Reality PRO upscales pictures closer to true 4K quality. Images are sharpened and refined in real time, revealing extra detail from lower-resolution picture sources.
Rich, natural color with TRILUMINOS PRO
TRILUMINOS PRO maps colors from a wider palette, faithfully reproducing a world of more vivid, lifelike hues and tones.
Smooth, fluid on-screen action
The 4K panel is teamed with Motionflow XR technology for smoother, more natural reproduction of rapidly moving on-screen images.
Quick set-up with Pro Mode
Customize and store display settings and features, then copy easily to multiple displays via USB flash memory.
One Step Setting
A time-saver in corporate environments, One Step Setting optimizes picture and networking settings to suit meeting rooms and signage applications at the touch of a single button.
Simple screen mirroring
Support for Chromecast built-in and Apple AirPlay 2 makes it easy to stream AV content wirelessly from an Android or iOS device straight to BRAVIA.
Enhanced wireless connectivity
The FW-32BZ30J supports wireless connectivity via Wi-Fi 5 GHz and 2.4 GHz as well as Bluetooth 4.2.
Made for doing business
The FW-32BZ30J is designed for professional installations with support for landscape, portrait, or tilt orientation plus an AC adaptor holder with cable guide slit.
Developer friendly, easy integration
BRAVIA offers seamless support with leading automation and control platforms, while open APIs offer limitless integration opportunities with other vendor solutions.
Greater Peace of Mind
There's extra reassurance with our 3 Year Advanced Exchange PrimeSupport service that's included as standard. If there's a fault with your BRAVIA Professional Display, we'll provide a replacement unit at no extra charge to keep you up and running.
Featuring Sony's powerful 4K HDR Processor X1, the FW-32BZ30J delivers superb picture quality, with immersive images that combine amazing color, contrast, clarity, and motion.
The slim, elegant FW-32BZ30J is designed with a wide range of B2B applications in mind, featuring a smart design. Neat cable management is complemented by a convenient adaptor holder than neatly stows the supplied AC power adaptor at the rear of the display.
The display's powerful built-in Android OS System on an SoC platform ensures fast boot-up plus smooth apps, animations, and a seamless user experience.
Pro mode allows quick and easy customization to suit different environments including corporate, education, and digital signage, while One Step Setting optimizes set-up for signage and conference rooms at the touch of a button. IP control capability allows easy installation with support from major key partners including Crestron, Extron, and Kramer. The FW-32BZ30J also features integrated mirroring functionality through both Chromecast built-in and AirPlay 2, providing a simple, quick, and touchless connection from a user's device.
For even greater peace of mind, BRAVIA includes the added reassurance of our 3 Year Advanced Exchange service as standard. If there's a problem we'll offer a free, brand-new replacement product rather than a repair.
4K image resolution (3840 x 2160 pixels)
4K offers four times the detail of Full HD, with a resolution of over 8 million pixels bringing extra clarity to corporate display, education, and digital signage applications, especially when viewed up close, for example in huddle spaces.
4K HDR Processor X1
Sony's powerful 4K HDR Processor X1 enhances color, clarity, and contrast for outstandingly lifelike 4K HDR picture quality.
See finer detail with 4K X-Reality PRO
4K X-Reality PRO upscales pictures closer to true 4K quality. Images are sharpened and refined in real time, revealing extra detail from lower-resolution picture sources.
Rich, natural color with TRILUMINOS PRO
TRILUMINOS PRO maps colors from a wider palette, faithfully reproducing a world of more vivid, lifelike hues and tones.
Smooth, fluid on-screen action
The 4K panel is teamed with Motionflow XR technology for smoother, more natural reproduction of rapidly moving on-screen images.
Quick set-up with Pro Mode
Customize and store display settings and features, then copy easily to multiple displays via USB flash memory.
One Step Setting
A time-saver in corporate environments, One Step Setting optimizes picture and networking settings to suit meeting rooms and signage applications at the touch of a single button.
Simple screen mirroring
Support for Chromecast built-in and Apple AirPlay 2 makes it easy to stream AV content wirelessly from an Android or iOS device straight to BRAVIA.
Enhanced wireless connectivity
The FW-32BZ30J supports wireless connectivity via Wi-Fi 5 GHz and 2.4 GHz as well as Bluetooth 4.2.
Made for doing business
The FW-32BZ30J is designed for professional installations with support for landscape, portrait, or tilt orientation plus an AC adaptor holder with cable guide slit.
Developer friendly, easy integration
BRAVIA offers seamless support with leading automation and control platforms, while open APIs offer limitless integration opportunities with other vendor solutions.
Greater Peace of Mind
There's extra reassurance with our 3 Year Advanced Exchange PrimeSupport service that's included as standard. If there's a fault with your BRAVIA Professional Display, we'll provide a replacement unit at no extra charge to keep you up and running.